Welcome to the Q1 2023 edition of the Bank M&A Quarterly eNewsletter from Bank Merger Marketing. If you follow the Bank M&A space as I do, the slowdown in deal flow due to the overarching economic impacts and recent questions of industry stability creates cause for speculation. We now face a wait-and-see period as new opportunities arise for acquirers and sellers--and what factors will trigger M&A activity.
The links below offer some read-worthy perspectives, including:
The seemingly continuous extension and community investment language being drafted around the TD/First Horizon deal
Last month’s OCC Symposium to tackle the realities of Bank M&A in 2023
New commentary on HHI in the evaluation of deals in the age of digital banking relationships
We hope your year is off to a good start and that the content our team compiles for you rounds out the M&A section of your “things to read” folder in your inbox. There is understandable pent-up interest in studying how the environment will moderate the competitive landscape and influence combination evaluation this year. From a lookback perspective, I feel like the McKinsey article from last November offers a poignant reminder of ’09 as a reference point for today. Deal value creation remains possible in challenging times.
Help bank executives think strategically about how to effectively plan and execute high-impact communications to an array of audiences using elements of both banks - the acquirer and the acquired.
Join Digital Onboarding, BKM Marketing, First Foundation Bank, and Vermont State Employees Credit Union on April 12th to learn about 1) The typical communication mistakes that institutions make during M&A events; 2) What’s most important to customers and members during the transition; 3) How to build a communications strategy that maximizes satisfaction and minimizes attrition rates.
As with any newsletter, we welcome your feedback and thoughts to help us make this resource more impactful. Even if you want to share your own insights or just talk Bank M&A. We know everyone is inundated with inbox fodder from past interests that no longer are of value, so we want this to be different, for both institutions and facilitators of transactions. If once you have scanned the contents, you still want to unsubscribe, just click the 'manage preferences' link below.